What you can expect.

Having a clear plan for your brand shouldn’t mean sitting through a two hour lecture on trends and zeitgeist.

Nor should it require an impenetrable tidal wave of acronyms, jargon and dressed-up complexity.

You need a thorough investigation, based on solid customer insights and analysis, that gives you a clear set of decisions and guidance.

Specific areas of focus might be any or all of the following:

  • Market and competitor orientation

  • Qualitative research, interviews and ethnography

  • Quantitative research, brand tracking and econometrics

  • Segmentation, target audiences and their drivers/blockers

  • Pricing

  • Positioning and creative

  • Media selection and planning

  • Objectives, measurement and budgeting

And a typical output would be:

  • Presentation(s) with Q&A and documentation for all stakeholders to review the data, correlations and relationships discovered from the initial research and analysis. At this stage there is an emphasis on observations over conclusions.

  • Final presentation(s) with Q&A and documentation with meaningful, actionable decisions. This will always include a strong orientation of the market and segmentation, target audiences, alternatives, positioning, objectives as well as recommended tactics, costs and budget split.

  • Regular alignment sessions to ensure you’re staying on course. Sense checking everything from campaigns and partnerships to new product development and sudden opportunities, giving you a strong force to counter “strategic drift” and ensure your stakeholders remain advocates of the strategy.